About Us

Numerick Photography

My journey really began in the 8th grade when I took my first photography class. I vividly remember making a camera out of an oatmeal can. I made it into a wizard, pointy hat and all, his mouth and beard were the “shutter,” and we had to load our black and white film in the dark room. My very first photo ever taken was with that “camera,” a snow-covered bench just outside of school.

Photography has changed a lot since then. Fortunately, I was already interested in working with computers and using photoshop when the digital photography industry took over, and the transition was easier for me than many.

I’ve always had a curious eye for photographs. I love trying to take a shot of something we see everyday, but in a way that seems new, unique. Close up, far away, the lines as they come together. All of this led me to follow a passion for photography.

Later in life, I tried to take that same desire and focus it around people. It was a challenge at first, and my first couple of years were as much about finding my way as they were about the people I was taking photos of.  

It’s now been almost a decade since I started portrait photography, working my way through Renae Rashael photography, a company my friend founded, and Hayd and Izzy, named after my God kids, but now that I have a third God kid, and a son of my own, I felt it was time for a change, again.

That change began in 2019 when I got married and had an immediate family with my amazing wife, Mariana, and my awesome step-son, Lucas. I couldn’t be happier, and have a whole new appreciation for the importance of capturing these moments in life. 

I’ve decided to focus on what I am best at, candid, raw, lifestyle, imagery with natural light. Capturing a true expression and making it a piece of art is what I love to do. There’s just something about creating a snapshot of a moment, a pause in time, something to hold onto, that I love.